Welcome to Baby Child Sleep

Your baby's sleep journey is unique and deeply personal.

At Baby Child Sleep, we understand the profound impact of sleep deprivation and the challenges that arise when infant sleep doesn't go as expected.

Your Path to Restorative Sleep

Infant sleep can feel overwhelming, especially when you're unsure where to start. That’s why we created the "Restorative Sleep Roadmap." This guide is designed to help you understand the dynamics influencing your baby's sleep patterns. Discover practical strategies and insights that align with our holistic approach to achieving restorative sleep for you and your baby.


Exeter's FREE In Person Sleep Clinic

Join our free weekly drop-in session where parents gather to discuss sleep challenges, receive expert tips, and connect with others in a supportive environment.

1:1 Infant Sleep Coaching

Ideal for families needing immediate solutions to specific sleep issues. Receive responsive, attachment-focused guidance tailored to meet your child's unique sleep needs and your family's circumstances from £49!


Our ULTIMATE guide with all the knowledge and strategies you need to overcome sleep challenges and achieve restorative sleep for 4-18month olds

Order Now to start your journey to restorative sleep.

Holistic Sleep Club

Become a member of our Holistic Sleep Club for ongoing support, exclusive resources, and community interaction.

Perfect for parents seeking comprehensive solutions to sleep challenges.

Join the waitlist Now to start your journey to restorative sleep.

Our Approach

At Baby Child Sleep, we believe every child can achieve restorative sleep through our holistic, sensitive approach. We view sleep as a fundamental need, knowing that good, restorative sleep makes life easier and more fun.

Our method is grounded in a holistic, biopsychosocial model, examining how biological, psychological, and social factors influence sleep patterns. Recognising you as the expert in your child's needs, we provide personalised solutions that prioritise attachment and enhance overall family well-being, ensuring lasting changes.

We operate with a set of core values encapsulated in PEACE:

Partnership: We listen deeply to your story and align with your goals, allowing us to co-create a sleep strategy that works for your child and circumstances.

Empowerment: Our goal is to help you build self-efficacy. Through our coaching, we reinforce new responses and strategies, empowering you to handle sleep challenges confidently.

Attachment: We always focus on fostering a secure attachment. Our sleep solutions are gentle and responsive, designed to strengthen attachment between you and your child.

Compassion: We understand that traumatic experiences can deeply affect your parenting journey. We support you with understanding and care, recognising the complexities of disrupted.

Education: We provide informed, practical guidance based on a holistic, biopsychosocial model.

Our Holistic Sleep Club offers regular group coaching and a supportive community of parents. Join us to enhance your family’s sleep and well-being.


My wife and I were run down and desperate so we asked Louise to help us.

Her approach to sleep training is gentle, intuitive and professional, and will absolutely help anyone whose baby will not sleep.

Don't wait, hire her!


My 2 year old sleeps so well now - and much calmer during the day - highly recommended- do not hesitate to work with Louise if you were suffering from sleep deprivation because your baby was challenging when it comes to sleep


Louise really helped me get my little one into a routine and back into her cot! And great at listening and a great support not just for the struggles with getting little one to sleep but with whatever you are struggling with mentally or physically.

Louise also stays in touch to see how you and your family are doing honestly so thankful for the help!



Louise Jocelyn

Certified Infant Sleep Consultant, Breastfeeding Peer Supporter, JNC Youth Worker, Pre and Post Natal Therapist, Domestic Abuse Advocate and Mother of Three.

Here to transform your family's sleep experience.


What is sleep coaching and how does it work?

Sleep coaching involves personalised guidance and strategies to overcome disrupted infant and child sleep. Our approach begins with a comprehensive assessment of your child's sleep patterns and your family's goals. Based on this assessment, we create a customized plan that may include bedtime routines, sleep environment adjustments, and gentle techniques to encourage self-settling and longer sleep durations. Throughout the process, your sleep coach provides continuous support, answers questions, and adjusts strategies as needed to suit your child's unique needs and your parenting preferences. By creating a nurturing and responsive environment, we aim to promote sustainable improvements in your child's sleep quality and overall well-being.

Don't Know Where to Start with Sleep Challenges?

When it comes to sleep challenges, sometimes it's hard to know where to start. If you're a parent looking to help your baby, toddler, or child sleep better, book a 45-minute Save Our Sleep Call. This call will provide you with the clarity you need to get started, along with a follow-up email containing at least one actionable step to improve your child's sleep tonight.

What if it doesn't work?

We understand that sleep challenges can be complex and that every child responds differently to sleep coaching. Rest assured, our approach is flexible and adaptive. If initial strategies don't get the desired results, we collaborate closely with you to reassess and modify the plan as necessary. Louise remains committed to supporting you throughout the process, offering guidance, troubleshooting potential obstacles, and exploring alternative techniques to help achieve positive outcomes. Our goal is to empower you with effective tools and strategies that create healthy sleep habits for your child over the long term.

Does it involve "cry it out"?

Our methods are rooted in compassion and responsiveness to your child's individual needs. We prioritize attachment-focused strategies that nurture a secure and supportive environment for your infant. Crying is a natural form of communication for babies, and our approach to sleep coaching respects this fundamental aspect of infant development.
Rather than employing harsh "cry it out" methods, which may involve leaving a child to cry alone, we emphasise gentle techniques tailored to your preferences and your child's temperament. These techniques aim to gradually teach self-settling skills and promote healthy sleep habits in a way that feels comfortable and nurturing for both you and your child.

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