Feeling Overwhelmed by Your Child's Sleep Challenges?

Transform your baby's or child's sleep with our expert 3-week sleep coaching sprint designed for complex sleep issues.

Tired of dealing with...

Inconsistent Sleep Patterns

Difficulty establishing a consistent sleep routine for their child, leading to unpredictable sleep times and frequent night wakings.

Overwhelming exhaustion

Exhausted from the constant sleep disruptions, affecting their ability to function during the day and manage other responsibilities.

Stress from Sleep Training Misinformation

Confused and stressed from conflicting advice, especially regarding gentle and trauma-sensitive approaches that align with your parenting style.

And you are feeling...

  • Overwhelmed

    Daunted by the continual challenges of managing your child's sleep issues and possibly unsure where to begin to make improvements.

  • Frustrated

    struggling with ongoing sleep disruptions that don't seem to improve, leading to feelings of frustration and helplessness.

  • Desperate for solutions
    need effective and sustainable strategies to improve your child's sleep and the wellbeing of the entire family.

I’ve been there...

I know how it feels to be exhausted, stressed, and overwhelmed by all the advice and information out there. If your baby isn't sleeping well and you're looking for answers that are reliable and practical, you’re in the right place.

"motherhood is the

greatest thing

and the hardest thing"

Hi, I'm Louise

As a third-time mum, I found myself awake every night with my 5-month-old, who woke up hourly for breastfeeding. During the day, while taking my kids to the park, I'd find myself scrolling on my phone, desperately seeking answers to my sleep questions. I felt utterly burnt out and lost, unsure where to turn for help. The strain took a toll on my relationship, and knowing other children could sleep through the night only added to my frustration and confusion.

Why enrol in VIP holistic Sleep Coaching?

.... to cut through the noise and find clear, expert-backed information and advice?

.. to understand your baby’s sleep needs and create a routine that benefits the whole family?

... to navigate the overwhelming world of baby sleep with practical tips you can implement immediately?


1:1 VIP Holistic Sleep Coaching

with 1:1 VIP sleep coaching

you will learn


    Pinpoint the underlying factors contributing to complex sleep issues such as trauma, adversity, or feed-to-sleep dependencies. Learn how these factors influence your child’s sleep and tailored approaches to address them.


    Learn advanced, gentle sleep training techniques to suit your child’s specific needs, e.g: transitioning from co-sleeping and handling complex behavioural sleep challenges.


    Master the art of maintaining and analysing sleep logs and using this data to make informed adjustments to your child's sleep plan.


    Discover how to optimize your child's sleep environment, from room temperature and lighting to noise control, ensuring a conducive space for restful sleep.


    Learn techniques to manage sleep disruptions caused by developmental milestones such as teething, crawling, and walking, ensuring these changes don't negatively impact your child’s sleep.


    Equip your child with the skills to self-settle and fall asleep independently, which is crucial for settling to sleep and achieving consistent uninterrupted sleep.


    Learn more nuanced strategies and techniques to further improve your child’s sleep as they grow and their needs or circumstances change.


    Focus on sustainable sleep strategies that will not only address current sleep issues but also prevent future problems, ensuring long-term sleep health for your child.

Is VIP coaching for you?


  • You’re dealing with complex sleep challenges and need high-touch support.

  • You require ongoing, personalized guidance to address significant sleep issues.

  • You need a flexible plan that adjusts as your child grows and their needs change.

  • You value direct, continuous access to your sleep consultant for immediate support.

  • You want comprehensive emotional and practical support, including trauma-informed care.


  • You're looking for a quick-fix solution or one-size-fits-all approach.

  • You're not interested in understanding the holistic factors influencing sleep.

  • You and your child are currently having no sleep issues and are satisfied with your routines.

  • You Are Looking for Medical Intervention: a pediatrician might be more appropriate.

  • You Cannot Be Consistent:

    Consistency is key in sleep training.

Transform your child's sleep with clear,

easy-to-follow strategies

Louise has helped me more than I ever expected or knew I needed. Every time we’ve talked she’s given advice that was delivered in an honest and open manner free of judgement. She’s helped me on my breastfeeding journey and most recently with sleep not just my 8 month olds but mine too finally I’m getting some much needed rest. Thank you so much Louise.

Mum of 8 month old

Louise is absolutely wonderful! Kind, friendly, approachable, understanding, and so supportive. We feel so lucky to have found her. We had issues settling our 4 year old to sleep and I felt a bit silly approaching Louise as you think sleep support is for small babies but she was so lovely and made us feel so heard. There were no drastic tactics we were just reminded of our daughters sleep needs and that these weren't being met. It really felt like a miracle when the support worked for us. We cant thank Louise enough and would highly recommend her to anyone struggling with sleep. Thank you x

Mum of 4 year old and 4 month old


  • Personalised Sleep Plan

    based on detailed assessment

  • Sleep Log Analysis

    in-depth review and continuous updates

  • Initial Consultation

    90 minutes, comprehensive session

  • Ongoing Support

    3 weeks with flexibility for longer calls and extended availability

  • Number of Support Calls

    unlimited calls over 3 weeks
    *unlimited refers to 1 per day

  • Behavioural Techniques

    advanced, gentle techniques for complex behaviours

  • Parental Support

    comprehensive emotional and practical guidance, including trauma-sensitive care

  • Continuous Support through the 21-day period

  • Long-Term Success Strategies

    focus on sustainable habits and long-term adjustments

  • Ideal For

    families with complex sleep challenges such as trauma, adversity, or strong sleep dependencies

  • Bonus 1: WhatsApp support (8 AM - 8 PM, Mon-Sat)

  • Bonus 2: Evening/weekend availability

  • Bonus 3: Restorative Sleep Roadmap Available for instant download, so you can read today

The investment

regular price


  • Limited Time Special Offer: Use code SLEEP10 for 10% off!

  • Transform Your Child’s Sleep with VIP Coaching

  • Achieve Restorative Sleep with Comprehensive VIP Support

  • Get High-Touch, Personalised Sleep Solutions Today

  • Experience Ultimate Support for Complex Sleep Challenges

  • Invest in Restorative Sleep with VIP Sleep Coaching

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